Just a Taste

The Arkati were supposed to be their saving grace.  They were supposed to protect them and, in a way, they had.  They'd led them through the Portals but, in the end, that's all they did.  Elanthians made themselves, not the Gods.  What had the Gods done for them?  For her?  Anger slid through her veins, burning everything it touched, when she thought about Luukos and how little he'd done.  She watched in the days following as clerics were rendered useless, empaths too.  It wasn't just them it affected, though, was it?  The Arkati who had once been so fearsome, so holy, were nothing now.  She was free.

Free was a funny word.  While she was able to do what she wished, when she wished, it had come at a cost.  She lost her family in the crossover. she lost most of her friends and, most importantly, she lost the one thing she could rely on.  It was only her and the thought scared her more than she'd like to admit.  Eyes never leaving the screen, she pulled her coffee to her lips, swallowing a mouthful of the bitter liquid

She was raised to be the epitome of perfection.  Not a hair out of place, makeup perfect, manners impeccable.  Though it had slipped in other areas, that still rang true in her work.  Eyes scanned the numbers, names, making sure everything was in order.  Information was color coded and in alphabetical order to ensure it was readily accessible if needed.  Manicured nails tapped on the keys and groomed brows furrowed in concentration.

Bars of an Amy Winehouse song suddenly rang out in the diner, startling her from her mind.  Reaching out, she grabbed her cell phone and answered the call, the device moving to her ear.

"What is it?" she asked, annoyance filtering through.

"The items are not optional, Nyssia." sounded the male on the other end.

"You are optional, Luc." she muttered as she leaned back in her seat, a hand running over the top of her head.  "You don't have to come."

"Nyssia, my pet, you know that isn't an option.  After everything I've done for you, --" His words cut off as Nyssia narrowed her eyes, volume lowering.

"I'm not your pet.  Not anymore." she spat back through the receiver.  "You've done nothing for me in a very long time.  Your tricks no longer work on me.  Come or don't, the choice is yours, but you wont charm me into doing your bidding." She hung up the phone and set it back down.  A moment later it was going off again and she silenced it before shutting her phone off.  Let him pout for a bit.  It'll do him some good.

Her eyes drifted back to Altheorn as the human slid back over, setting a plate in front of him.  Her gaze flicked to the plate before glancing back at the screen in front of her.  Her jaw clenched as the hostess fawned over the male before flitting away.  Another stolen glance in his direction and she was lofting a brow as the message in the napkin was revealed.  This time her narrowed gaze landed on the woman across the room.  She looked young, no more than nineteen, and every bit as foolish.

It took all she had not to roll her eyes as she looked back at her screen.  She'd thought more of the male than that.  Perhaps she'd been wrong all these centuries.  His voice drew her attention back, starry eyes gazing at him over the top of her laptop.  He could help with amps and mages?  Why?  How?  What was he playing at?  She looked at him for a moment, eyes hardened into glittering gems.

"Why?" was her first question, head tilting to the side.  "I'm sure you've enough on your plate."  She'd be lying if she said she didn't need help but why was he offering his?  What did he get out of it?  "If you do help, everything needs to be strictly above the board."  She sighed softly, shaking her head.  Was she really doing this?  Lofting a brow as he continued, she waved a dismissive hand.  "No.  Leave them.  They're replaceable."

He smirked and she mirrored it with one of her own.  If nothing else, he was amusing.  Uncrossing her legs, she slid out of the booth and moved over to his table.  Leaning down, her hand slid across the table top as she caught his eyes.  "I can be persuasive on my own." she murmured quietly, throwing him a wink coupled with a smile.  Fangtips flashed as she grabbed the napkin and she stood up, eyes scanning it as she turned around. 

"You're not going to use this, are you?" She slid back into her booth, holding the napkin up.  Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a pen and grabbed a new napkin.  In elegant script, she wrote her name and number down and held it out to him as he spoke.  Hungry?  When was the last time she'd eaten?  "Are you offering?" Motioning to the seat across from her, she began moving her things out of the way.  "Come over here then.  I'm not moving my things."

Strawberry Shortcake appeared again and the human glanced in her direction.  "And can I get you anything?" she asked looking back at Altheorn, batting her lashes.  She looked back at her work as the human pranced away, saving the documents and closing the device.  Slipping it into her bag as he slid in across from her, she let her eyes run over his face.

"Bite me, hm?  Be careful what you wish for."


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