Don't Think Twice

The room spun for a moment, faces blurring and the sounds of chaos fading away to nothing as the brunette stood in the middle of it all and closed her eyes.  When she had stepped through the portal all those years ago, never did she think they would be facing chaos like this.  It was supposed to be better, their promised land.  But this, this wasn't a promised land.  This was hell on earth.

The sounds rushed back, hitting her like a ton of bricks and she inhaled sharply, eyes flying open.  All around her, people were rushing past with gurneys filled with people dying, gasping for air, praying to the old gods and new to save them.  But the old gods had no power here and, honestly, the new gods didn't seem to have a handle on anything either.  All these poor, unfortunate souls had to save them were empaths with no magic who were just as lost as everyone else.

"Indes!  Get over here!" her colleague shouted and she ran over, pulling her stethoscope from around her neck and fitting it in her ears as she listened to the run down.  "She's just the same as the others.  Fever, trouble breathing.  She can't keep anything down and her heart rate is erratic."  Nyssia met Elphieya's gaze across the patient between them.  They were out of ventilators.  Not twenty-four hours ago, Elphie and her had spoken about this exact scenario.  They'd both said if things didn't start improving they were going to have to start deciding who lived and who died.  Less than twenty-four hours later, they were living it.

"Who is she?  Tell me about her." Nyssia asked, gently pushing on the patient's chest, watching closely for any changes.  "Her name is Isona.  Twenty-five, Human originally from Borre."  Elphie paused before meeting Sia's gaze.  "She has two kids at home."  Her heart skipped a beat as the Aelotoi's words sunk in.  Running over the patients already ventilated in her head, one jumped out at her.  Aesyln.  She was an older Elf.  She'd lived a long life and before she was ventilated, she had made Nyssia promise that if someone younger came in who needed the ventilator, that she'd take it off her.  Closing her eyes for a moment, she finally spoke.

"Give her Aesyln's ventilator."

"Aesyln? Nyssia,are you sure?" Elphie asked but the Elf was already gone.  She left Emergent Care, ripping her mask off and throwing it in the bin.  Jogging down the hall, she headed for the exit, only stopping when she pushed through the door and the cold air hit her face.  Her heart was racing, she was panting and she wanted nothing more than to keep running.  This was not what she wanted.  This was NOT what she had signed up for.

In Elanthia, they could help everyone, they could save everyone.  She didn't sign up for playing God.  She didn't want this burden.  A frustrated scream left her lips as she sunk to the ground, back pressed against the brick wall.  Slender fingers covered her face as the tears began to fall.  So much had happened in so little time.  He was out there somewhere, she knew, but she didn't know where.  She didn't know if he was okay.  She didn't know anything.  The only thing she knew for sure was that if Luuk hadn't already had her soul, he would have it by the end of this.


"I'm going.  You can't stop me." the petite blonde said, pushing around the much larger frame of her boyfriend and childhood friend.

"Don't you walk away from me, Isy.  This is not up for discussion." rumbled the male's reply as he stalked after her.  His stalking came to an abrupt halt as she spun around and glared at him, fire dancing in her eyes.

"You listen to me, Ayerion." Uh oh.  She used his actual name.  He was in for it now.  "You are out there, every day, doing your part and putting yourself at risk.  You do NOT get to tell me I can't do mine.  You do NOT get to tell me I'm not allowed."  She walked towards as she spoke and he held his ground until they were chest to chest. "I am NOT some damsel in distress who needs to be locked up in a fuckin' tower when shit hits the fan, Ayer!  I have never been that girl and I never will be!"  Her voice cracked as she hit him in the chest, his body unflinching.

"Isy.." he started, his voice softer now.  "Do you think I don't know that, you daft girl?  You're the bravest, most stubborn, most determined woman I've ever met.  Do you think I don't know that I can't stop you?  I have to try though!  I lose patients every day, dammit, and I don't want to lose you too!  I can't lose you too!"  They crashed into each other's arms as they hugged tightly, hearts racing to escape the madness the outside world had fallen into.  For a moment, everything was perfect and then Isy's phoned chimed and she sighed, pulling away.

"I have to go.  I'll have my phone.  I'll be home in a few hours." she said, grabbing her gloves and pulling them on, slipping her daggers into her thigh sheaths and pulling a bandana over her face and mouth.  Slipping her phone in her pocket, she pulled her bandana down, kissed Ayerion and then she was off running to the door.  "I love you." she called over her shoulder as she ran out the door and off to yet another raid for medical supplies.


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