Frozen Dreams and Faeries Dancing

The hardest thing, for her, was when her memories began fading into dreams.  The innocence of her youth seemed so far away in the midst of her immediate corruption. Boundaries of her history were clouded, the cruel sparkle of frost hiding them from view.  How she longed for her childhood when everything had been so pure and carefree. Time spent playing hide and seek with her brothers and chasing shades through the trees and dancing with faeries in the meadows.

The fleeting memories she still held onto brought her joy like no other. Her heart filled until it felt as if it'd burst and, when they faded back into the recesses of her mind, she felt empty once more. They gifted her hope that the girl she once was still lingered somewhere in her soul, that everything she had once been hadn't been lost to the darkness.  It had been centuries since she'd last skipped along the paths, searching for her once beloved friends. Would they remember her?  Would they still accept her?

The longing she felt for days long passed was what had her moving through the dark, the lantern in her hand illuminating the way.  After so long, she still knew the twists and turns like the back of her hand but she now knew the dangers that lurked in the shadows. She felt them following her, lingering on the edges of the light, waiting for their moment to rush forward, to strike. She'd given so much of herself, lost so much on her Master's path but it never seemed to be enough. Always more was needed from her and, while she'd never deny Him, she'd hold onto this for as long as she could.

A light breeze blew and she paused at the edge of the meadow to extinguish the light. The meadow itself was illuminated by the silvery moon, giving it an ethereal appearance. A soft breath and she began humming an ancient Elven tune, the first few bars echoing off the trees.  Near halfway through, just as her hope began to dwindle, a firefly rose from the grass, a sparkle in the moon light. Another followed it, dancing after the first and others were quick to follow.  The insects danced and swirled to the song she continued humming, soft words leaving her lips after a moment's passing.

And then haunting voices joined her, harmonizing near perfect with her own.    Glimmers of light rose, sparkles of yellows cascading off miniature wings. Tears filled her eyes as she smiled at the creatures, watching as they fluttered in the air, dancing with each other. They were still here! They remembered!  She stepped into the light and pushed back her hood, revealing her face. A collective gasp cut the song short as the fae realized who was in their midst. One of the faeries slowly moved forward, amethyst eyes sparkling curiously as she reached out and touched Nyssia's cheek with a gentle hand.

A squeal and the faerie darted away with excitement, moving amongst her friends.

"I told you she wouldn't forget! I told you she'd come back!" she cheered proudly, a grin touching the wisps features. The others moved closer, spinning around her and peeking her cloak, her gown and her jewels.

"You've changed much, little miss." one quipped, inspecting her hair.

"There's a darkness now but all is not lost." another commented.

"Don't lose yourself to the darkness, Princess." came another.

"I'm no princess." she insisted, watching the fae with wide eyes.

"Maybe not to the Elves, Miss, but you'll always be one to us." replied a male, flashing her a cheeky grin.

"Come dance with us!  Come sing!  The moon light fades quickly.  There will be time for questions later!"

A small laugh and she found herself spinning across the meadow, dancing to the ancient song the faeries sang.  If only she could stay here forever, away from the cruelty of the lands.

That would be a dream from which she'd never want to wake.


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